Oryx Properties Limited
(Incorporated in the Republic of Namibia)
Registration number 2001/673)
Share Code: ORY
ISIN Code: NA0001574913
The directors of Oryx Properties Limited ("Oryx" or "the Company") are pleased to announce that the
following ordinary resolutions tabled at the annual general meeting held on Monday, 25 November 2024,
were adopted and approved by a majority of linked unitholders (89.36% of total unitholders cast their votes):
Votes in favour as a
Resolutions percentage of total
votes casted
Ordinary resolution 1: Adopt the audited financial statements for the year ended 100.00%
30 June 2024
Ordinary resolution 2: Approve the implementation of a retainer and sitting fee 100.00%
structure for the non-executive directors in a 55:45 ratio
Ordinary resolution 3: Approve a board fee increase for non-executive directors 99.59%
with a 5% increment
Ordinary resolution 4: Approve by non-binding advisory vote, the Remuneration 100.00%
Ordinary resolution 5: Approve the re-appointment of Deloitte & Touche as 67.01%
independent auditors
Ordinary resolution 6: Authorise the directors to determine the remuneration of 100.00%
the auditors
Ordinary resolution 7:
Ordinary resolution 7.1: Approve the re-appointment of Ms. JJ Comalie as an 99.63%
independent non-executive director on a year-to-year basis
Ordinary resolution 7.2: Approve the re-appointment of Mr. MH Muller as an 99.99%
independent non-executive director for a second 3-year term
Ordinary resolution 7.3: Approve the re-appointment of Mr. VJ Mungunda as an 99.71%
independent non-executive director for a second 3-year term
In compliance with section 3.59 of the NSX Listings Requirements, the Board of Directors ('the Board')
wishes to advise unitholders that Ms. A. Angula retired from the Board as Director, Deputy Chairperson
and Chairperson of the Risk, Audit and Compliance Committee, effective 25 November 2024.
The Board acknowledges the contributions that Ms. Angula has made to the Company over the years and
would like to thank Ms. Angula for her 11 years of support and service.
By order of the Company Secretary
26 November 2024
Registered Office
Maerua Mall Office Tower P O Box 97723 Tel. +264 61 423 201
2nd Floor Maerua Park Fax. +264 61 423 211
Corner of Robert Mugabe Windhoek
and Jan Jonker Avenue
IJG Securities (Pty) Ltd
Member of the NSX
4th floor 1@Steps,c/o Grove and Chasie Street
Kleine Kuppe, Windhoek
P O Box 186, Windhoek, Namibia
Registration No. 95/505
DIRECTORS: VJ Mungunda (Chairperson), JJ Comalie, B Jooste (CEO), Oryx Properties Limited Reg. No.: 2001/673
RMM Gomachas, MH Muller (SA), FK Heunis (CFO), S Hugo, Maerua Mall Office Tower 2nd Floor Windhoek
M Langheld (SA), TK Nkandi PO Box 97723 Windhoek
+264 61 423 201 | www.oryxprop.com
Company Secretary: Bonsai Secretarial Compliance Services
Date: 26-11-2024 05:00:00
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