Results of Annual General Meeting
(Incorporated in the Republic of Namibia)
(Registration Number 2016/0145)
Ensuing the Notice of Annual General Meeting circulated to the shareholders via SENS and electronic email on 19 July 2024, the
shareholders are hereby informed that the Annual General Meeting was held Friday, 9 August 2024 virtually via Microsoft Teams at
12h00. Of the 500,000,000 ordinary shares in issue, 481,422,739 ordinary shares were presented in person or by proxy and
shareholders are hereby provided with the outcome of the meeting where the following resolutions were voted on. All resolutions
were carried by simple majority vote.
To receive, consider and adopt the Annual Financial
Statements for the financial year ended 31 December 2023
1 87.56% 0 12.44% Carried
including the Directors' Report and the report of the
Independent Auditors.
To ratify the dividends declared and paid since the last AGM -
2.1 an interim dividend of 34,29 cents (N$0,3429) per share paid 100% 0 0 Carried
to shareholders on 3 November 2023
A final dividend of 36,38 cents (N$0.3638) per share paid to
2.2 100% 0 0 Carried
shareholders on 14 June 2024
To confirm the re-election of Kudzai Chigiji who retires in
3.1 accordance with Article 63 of the Articles of Association of the 100% 0 0 Carried
Company, and being eligible, offers herself for re-election.
To re-elect by separate resolutions the directors who were
appointed to the Board of Directors since the previous AGM:
4.1 100% 0 0 Carried
To approve that Mr. Richard Ochieng be appointed as Non-
Executive Director to the Board.
To approve that Mr. Jerome Mutumba be appointed as
4.2 100% 0 0 Carried
Independent Non-Executive Director to the Board.
To approve that Mr. Johannes Esterhuyse be appointed as
4.3 100% 0 0 Carried
Independent Non-Executive Director to the Board.
To confirm the appointment of Ernest and Young Namibia ("EY
Namibia") and the auditing partner Ms. Danica van Wyk as the
5.1 100% 0 0 Carried
Company's Independent external auditor for the following
financial year, subject to Bank of Namibia approval.
To authorise the Directors to determine the terms of
5.2 engagement and the fees of the independent external auditor 100% 0 0 Carried
for the next financial year ending 31 December 2024
To approve the remuneration of the Independent Non-
6.1 Executive Directors for the financial year ending 31 December 100% 0 0 Carried
2023 as disclosed in Note 26.2 to the AFS.
To confirm and approve the remuneration structure of the
6.2 100% 0 0 Carried
Independent Non-Executive Directors.
To approve the Letshego Holdings Namibia Employee Share
Option Plan ("ESOP") Trust and resolve that the execution of
7.1 the Transaction Documents and the transfer of the Trust 100% 0 0 Carried
Shares from Letshego Africa Holdings Limited to the Trust be
and is hereby approved.
Resolved that the Company must and is hereby authorised to
appoint three Founding Trustees as contemplated in the Trust
7.2 100% 0 0 Carried
Deed, subject to confirmation of appointment by the Master of
the High Court.
Resolved that any two Independent Non-Executive Directors
of the Company be and are authorised, confirmed, and ratified
7.3 for and on behalf of the Company, to do all things and sign all 100% 0 0 Carried
such documents as may be reasonable or necessary to give
effect to the resolutions referred to in 7.1 and 7.2.
The adoption of the before mentioned resolutions will
authorise any director of the Company to execute all
8. documentation and do all such further act and things as he/she 100% 0 0 Carried
may in his/her discretion consider appropriate to implement
and given effect to the resolution mentioned above.
By order of the Board
Mignon Klein
Company Secretary
12 August 2024
IJG Securities (Pty) Ltd
Member of the NSX
4th Floor 1@Steps, c/o Grove and Chasie Street, Kleine Kuppe
P O Box 186, Windhoek, Namibia
Registration No. 95/505
Date: 12-08-2024 05:00:00
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